November 2, 2024 Amaryllis V. Paperwhites: Fun Facts Amaryllis & paperwhites are fun and low maintenance bulbs that hit the shelves just in time to sprinkle some floral…
April 19, 2022 Pansies: 10 Fun Flower Facts Despite their delicate name and appearance, pansies are tough, vibrant and come in all colors of the rainbow. Not only…
March 23, 2022 Hellebores – Harbingers of Spring A recent break in the snowy Rochester weather enabled me to poke around in my yard (finally!). After a long…
October 21, 2019 Prepare Your Garden For Winter Autumn is a fantastic time for gardening. There is still time to plant perennial shrubs, trees, herbaceous perennials, winter annuals,…
July 9, 2019 Pruning, Deadheading, Pinching; Oh My! Pruning For many gardening enthusiasts, pruning non-woody, herbaceous plants like annuals, perennials, herbs, and vegetables are not a common practice….
May 24, 2019 Container Planting: Freedom to Grow Anything! Planting above ground containers affords gardening aficionados tremendous flexibility in what can be grown verses in the ground garden beds…
April 26, 2019 Hydrangeas: To Prune or not to Prune When it comes to hydrangeas, the one questions most frequently asked is: why do my hydrangea not flower? Your hydrangeas…
December 30, 2018 Amaryllis Bulbs Make Terrific House Plants! One of the most spectacular flowering houseplants associated with the holiday season is the Amaryllis bulb. They’re very popular, make…
May 22, 2018 The Time Has Finally Arrived To Plant Your Summer Vegetables Memorial Day weekend is upon us and as everyone will tell you this is the time to plant your tomato…