Home » Blog » Make Your Outdoor Space Your Favorite Room of the House! Make Your Outdoor Space Your Favorite Room of the House! June 1, 2014 Annuals, Controls, Education, Flowers, Herbs, Insects, Landscape, Pest, Plants, Seasonal, Spring, Summer, Timely Tips, Van Putte Gardens, Wildlife/Insects Early this spring, our landscape division found a few spare moments between snowplow trips to create an outdoor room/workshop area. The results are pretty fantastic:As you can see, Van Putte Landscape demonstrated several of the latest trends in hardscape materials and techniques here, including different stone floor patterns, a built-in seating wall, and a built-in grill. We’ve covered the area with a weatherproof (waterproof and sun-resistant) ceiling material and will be adding weatherproof curtains to block sun glare/rain. This way it can be open or more protected based on the weather. Outdoor rooms have become very popular over the past few years; people really want to take advantage of their outdoor space, and having a multi-functional space like this adds tremendous value to a home, and of course your enjoyment of it!Beyond its value as a demonstration of what we can do in our landscape division, we’re also using the space for outdoor workshops and seminars. Our first use of the space will be on Thursday, June 12 at 7 p.m. for our “Buzz Off! Mosquito Beater Planter Workshop.”It’s a hands-on workshop where folks will learn about plants, they can grow to repel mosquitoes, and then plant up a deck-sized planter full of mosquito-repelling plants to take home. We wrote about some mosquito-repelling plants last year and we’ve found a few more since then that we’ll use in the workshop planters. We’re pretty excited we get to play with plants in such a pretty area — if you’d like to join us, check out more information on the workshop here. And if you’re interested in seeing what Van Putte Landscape can do to transform your outdoor area, give us a call!